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Procurement Transformation Services

Decades ago- “Purchasing” was considered more of an ends to a means. Transactional. Over time, Procurement has evolved from that “transactional” mindset to one of a strategic, valued & trusted partner. Our philosophy is that it is essential that the role of Procurement is one where it resides at the vanguard in driving business performance and delivering unprecedented value through insights that create unparalleled and unique perspectives. TPCG recognizes that procurement is an essential strategic function, and through decades of experience understands the challenges it faces, such as extensive engagement cycle times, reduced supplier compliance, minimal cost reductions and minimal attention to legal & financial risk management as a result of short timelines.

We bring to bear our extensive expertise to achieve your desired outcomes and deliver measurable & quantifiable business results. When requested, we can also help you “overhaul” your existing teams & processes to enable them to harness their full potential.

The Approach

Each deal is different. You can negotiate the same deal 3 times and obtain different results. We believe in an organization & engagement specific approach to procurement transformation. There is no cookie cutter approach — each journey is based on your specific and unique requirements. We take the time to thoroughly understand your organizational DNA (your past, present & future), asses your requirements & needs, challenges and goals in order to customize a strategy that aligns with your business roadmap to maximize successful outcomes.

With our strong focus on YOU, we can identify, design and implement customized solutions that radically boost procurement productivity, dramatically de-risk complex environments and bring outside-of-the-box thinking to the table.

Current Environment Assessment Services

So you want an assessment of your current environment? We got you covered!

In order to understand how to move forward, you need to know where you are and have been.

The next step is to understand YOU! It is critical to not only understand what you buy… but how you buy it. We want to learn about your processes. How did it work in the past? How does it work now? What are you looking to achieve?

We recognize all of the answers are not limit to one place or person. We can therefore engage the applicable business stakeholders & leaders to understand their drivers. What are the issues? How can sourcing help them better? These may not be limited to the consumer of services but may include such teams for example as Legal, Tax, Finance, and Risk Management teams.

Once we have the data, we can provide an evaluation report which outlines the current landscape, desired end state and recommendations on how achieve your goals.

Global Mergers, Acquisitions & Divesture Services

Global Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestures … not for the faint of heart... but rest assured… we are here!

Never been through any of this?…guess what, we have!

Not only do we have experience, we have been in leadership roles in some of the largest enterprise Merger, Acquisitions and Divestures in the world. Yes- global organizations you have heard of!  

Maneuvering through this complex world requires a highly specialized and extremely experienced approach and finesse. There is little to no margin of error. We understand the challenges businesses face related to cost increase mitigation, contract “clean rooms” , TSAs, Reverse-TSAs, software licensing assignments and contract management (replication & adoption agreements).

Our strengths lay in the decades of experience in identifying and mitigating cost increases, enabling savings and enabling a seamless merger of people, processes and technology

Strategic Cost Management Services

Spend smartly by reducing cost and optimizing spend….every cent counts!

All you need to do is open your browser or news outlet to see clear evidence of our rapidly changing market conditions. The ability to reduce operating costs is increasingly becoming more and more difficult. The ability to tame this beast has never been more important than it is today!

Our strategic cost management services enable leadership teams to reduce expenses in categories that maximize, and harmonize spend in areas that drive sustainable future growth for years to come.

While typical traditional approaches to cost reduction focus on the top spend Suppliers, that does not necessarily help for the long term and does not take into account potential market volatility . These tactics are generally reactive in nature and focused on “hair-cutting” across the organization. While these initiatives deliver potentially in-year savings (in quarter/year results), they are not sustainable as they don’t take into account what the future of the market nor organizational needs are (future-proof)

Our approach utilizes some of the following techniques:

  • Gain a deep understanding of your environment, costs, drivers, as well as your objectives for the short and long term in order to establish a category roadmap which is measurable.
  • Understand your spend habits and highlight potential areas of leakage.
  • Promote category ownership through assisting in drafting of strategic category plans across the enterprise.
  • Category market evaluation techniques.
  • Techniques on how to gain and build traction with your business owners.
  • How to build relationships with your Supply base.

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